Prezi is a presentation tool that can be used as an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint. It has the same features and functions as PowerPoint and I believe is a little more simple to use. Presentations can be efficiently and creatively designed using this tool. In my classroom this can be used in a way such as when students have to do a project in which they have to present to the class. It can also be used when giving a discussion to help organize thoughts and keep the discussion flowing smoothly.

WolframAlpha is problem solving software that allows you to enter in a math or science problem and will calculate an answer. All you have to do is enter the problem in the search bar and hit enter. It will then work the problem and show you the answer and how to work the problem step by step, This would be good in class if a student misses a problem, he/she could then go back and look at how they messed up and where. This would also give them better examples and more of an idea how to work problems if they can see where the messed up and how.

Spezify is a creative research database that captures pictures as well as quotes, flickr photos and wikipedia pages. It can create collages, as well as pages with nothing but pictures. As well as pictures and internet pages, it also has definitions on it. This could be useful in the class on projects or as visual aids. A student or a teacher could find a definition as well as pictures to go with it and create a cool collage that can help better understand the topic being discussed.

Hot Potatoes
Hot potatoes is a webpage that can be used as a teachers tool to create many different things for a class. The webpage is designed to create things such as quizzes, crosswords, and word searches to help students study. It also allows you to create interactive multiple choice questions for studying purposes. This can be great for a teacher, because it allows them to create ways students can learn without having to lecture students. This can also be used for teachers the day before tests to help students review for the test.

eQuizzer is an easy way to create online quizzes that allows students to study at home. It can create quizzes with multiple choice, fill in the blank, true false, and short answer questions. It can also track students grades as the take the quiz so teachers can see how long each problem takes. This would be useful in the classroom, when there isn't enough time for quizzes in class. It would also be useful if a teacher just wanted to give the students extra credit opportunities outside of class.

i Speech
i Speech is an online media converter. This webpage allows you to convert text files to audio files to be listened to. It also allows you to embed them into web pages so that more people can view them. This would be useful as a teacher when there is an article or something that you want students to view, so that they could listen to it. You could also save it to the webpage so that students can listen to it and read along as it goes.

Websperation is the online version of Inspiration. It allows you to create and organize documents quickly and efficiently. You can also diagram processes and publish finished products online or to Websperation site. As a teacher this can help you create diagrams for processes such as the cell cycle or electrochemical processes. Also as a teacher it gives you another site to allows students to create things and aids for projects and presentations.

Decide Already!
Decide already is an online decision making tool. You ask the website a question, and then propose answers, get solutions, and make decisions. It makes decision making pain-free and easy. As a teacher this can be useful when having a debate on a question. The students could then go and look up the question and find the answer or decide the answer as a group.

Big Huge Labs
Big Huge Labs is a webpage that allows you to design trading cards. You take photos, either of your own or of the internet and pasting them to a card. You can put facts, information, and all sorts of the things to make this a trading card. As a teacher This would be a fun way to create a game to help students study. It could also be used as a study tool, to help students remember things like the periodic table of elements.

Jumpcut is a website that allows you to create slideshows or short movies. You can cut, edit, and insert video clips into the file as well as pictures. This is an easy way to create short videos. As a teacher this can be used to substitute in the place of slide shows to be more fun and interactive. Also it could be used as an end of the year kind of thing that allows you to make something for your students to view and remember all the fun times they had.